weve movedThank you for dropping by. I have moved to my own domain now
and have added a few new features.

A Treasure Chest of Serendipity

Make sure to update your bookmarks!

I am adding new subjects like Inspiration, Aspergers Syndrome, Adoption, Grandfamilies, Friendship, Essential Oils, Recipes, DIY, Health (Dysautonomia, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Hypoxia, CFS/ME) and of course, more about my favorite hobby Product Reviews!

As much as I love Reviewing, there is more to life than Reviews and I would like to get to know more of you personally. You are more important than my Total Reach or a number on my list of subscribers.  It is a personal goal of mine to come out of my shell and engage in the world again.


Please visit and make sure you are following me, if you use WordPress to keep track of your favorite blogs, you will now need to subscribe through email.

As always, a huge Thank You!  I appreciate my followers and look forward to hearing from you.

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